Buying and Selling Your House: A Great Resolution
I came across this article and thought it had merit enough to post. As we all know, selling, moving & buying a home creates both an exciting and stressful time in everyone’s life. Sometimes employing the “it’s a business transaction” mentality can help prevent trauma and help the seller see the forest through the trees in order to get to the end result, which is selling their home. I hope this tip is helpful!By Geoff Williams, | Published:
“I will make this a business transaction and not an emotional decision.
That's a little easier said than done, of course, and to some extent when you buy a home, it should be emotional. If you tour a house, register absolutely no feelings and think "whatever" while agreeing to buy it... well, maybe you should seek some counseling.
But beyond the emotions, this is a financial transaction, and if you can keep that in mind, you'll likely come through this in better shape, argues Horton. "Owners who consider that their home may be just one of many properties competing in a free and open market are better equipped to make the decisions necessary to get their homes sold," he says. "While it is a home to the sellers, it's typically just another house to potential buyers until they move in and make it their home."
So if you happen to overhear a potential buyer whisper to their Realtor or spouse, "This house is a joke," or you're close to getting a buyer when they suddenly veer off course and make an offer on a different home, or you make what you think is an awesome offer and it's rejected, try not to let it get to you. When it comes to home buying, everything may feel personal, but at the same time, nothing's personal.”
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